The Company

OikoM Environmental Studies Ltd. was established in 2007 by a group of scientists with extensive and significant experience in the fields of conservation, management and promotion of the natural environment. The company has a Class D licence in Environmental Studies and a Class C licence Fisheries Studies.

Prior to the establishment of OikoM, its partners had collaborated for more than 10 years in OIKOS Nature Management Ltd. Of these partners, Evangelos Pappas was also the main shareholder (50% stake) and manager of OIKOS Ltd.

OikoM has taken over the study and assessment projects, while it also engages in other related environmental subjects.

Our goals are

  • To support and evaluate investment plans and to assess their environmental feasibility, as well as their potential of redesigning in order for the plan to be eligible for licensing.
  • To support central and local public administration bodies in designing, organising and implementing “green/sustainable development” projects in protected areas.
  • To support protected area management bodies in designing and implementing management plans, in monitoring parameters and elements of the natural environment as well as in designing ecotourism, visitor management and environmental interpretation projects.
  • To prepare and supervise studies and services relevant to the natural and human environment.
  • To develop research and monitoring projects for natural parameters.